Hacking Administrator Joomla – Get Full Access!
Tools required:
SQL-i Knowledge
reiluke SQLiHelper 2.7
Joomla! Query Knowledge
SQL-i Knowledge
reiluke SQLiHelper 2.7
Joomla! Query Knowledge
Finding Exploit And Target
Those two steps could go in different order, depend what you find first target or exploit…
Google dork: inurl:”option=com_idoblog”
Comes up with results for about 140,000 pages
![[Image: 001cv.png]](http://img838.imageshack.us/img838/300/001cv.png)
At inj3ct0r.com search for: com_idoblog
Give us back Joomla Component idoblog 1.1b30 (com_idoblog) SQL Injection Vuln
![[Image: 002rg.png]](http://img836.imageshack.us/img836/1907/002rg.png)
Joomla Component idoblog 1.1b30 (com_idoblog) SQL Injection Vuln
index.php?option=com_idoblog&task=profile&Itemid=1337&userid=62+union+select+1,concat_ws(0x3a,username,password),3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 11,12,13,14,15,16+from+jos_users–
Exploit can be separated in two parts:
Part I
This part opening blog Admin page and if Admin page don’t exist, exploit won’t worked (not completely confirmed)
Part II
This part looking for username and password from jos_users table
Testing Vulnerability
Disable images for faster page loading:
Tools >> Options >> Content (tab menu) >> and unclick ‘Load images automatically’
Go to:
Site load normally…
Go to:
Site content blog Profile Admin
Go to:
Site is vulnerable
Inject Target
Open reiluke SQLiHelper 2.7
In Target copy
and click on Inject
Follow standard steps until you find Column Name, as a result we have
![[Image: 003bd.png]](http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/7643/003bd.png)
Notice that exploit from inj3ct0r wouldn’t work here because it looking for jos_users table and as you can see
our target use jos153_users table for storing data
Let Dump username, email, password from Column Name jos153_users. Click on Dump Now
![[Image: 004k.png]](http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/3421/004k.png)
username: admin
email: info@site.com
password: 169fad83bb2ac775bbaef4938d504f4e:mlqMfY0Vc9KLxPk056eewFWM13vEThJI
Joomla! 1.5.x uses md5 to hash the passwords. When the passwords are created, they are hashed with a
32 character salt that is appended to the end of the password string. The password is stored as
{TOTAL HASH}:{ORIGINAL SALT}. So to hack that password take time and time…
The easiest way to hack is to reset Admin password!
Admin Password Reset
Go to:
This is standard Joomla! query for password reset request
![[Image: 005hy.png]](http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/7562/005hy.png)
Forgot your Password? page will load.
In E-mail Address: enter admin email (in our case it is:info@site.com) and press Submit.
If you find right admin email, Confirm your account. page will load, asking for Token:
Finding Token
To find token go back to reiluke SQLiHelper 2.7 and dump username and activation from Column Name jos153_users
![[Image: 006fj.png]](http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/1796/006fj.png)
username: admin
activation: 5482dd177624761a290224270fa55f1d
5482dd177624761a290224270fa55f1d is 32 char verification token, enter it and pres Submit.
![[Image: 007pa.png]](http://img576.imageshack.us/img576/1710/007pa.png)
If you done everything ok, Rest your Password page will load. Enter your new password…
After that go to:
Standard Joomla portal content management system
Enter username admin and your password, click on Login
Go to Extensions >> Template Manager >> Default Template Name >> Edit HTML
In Template HTML Editor insert your defaced code, click Apply, Save and you are done!!!
![[Image: 008bo.png]](http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/8648/008bo.png)
To make admin life more miserable, click on admin in main Joomla window and in User Details page change admin E-mail
![[Image: 009kw.png]](http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/8946/009kw.png)
Credit: MindFreak [HckGuide]
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